Looking for fun new books to share with your child? Look no further!
Cover of a book showing a sail boat and a monster under some palm trees
Where The Wild Things Are
Ages 6 to 8 , Award Winners , Classics / April 9, 1963

Where The Wild Things Are By Maurice Sendak, first published by Harper and Row, 1963. But the wild things cried, “Oh please don’t go – we’ll eat you up – we love you so!” This is an all-time classic and special favourite of mine. Where The Wild Things Are, goes down in history as one of the greatest books written for children. I love this book! We follow Max on a journey of adventure and intrigue, where he learns to look his fears in eye, stand up for himself and conquer his fears. Your child’s imagination will expand with Max’s. The Where the Wild Things Are book is an absolute must for your bookshelf! Special note: My 12-year-old niece thinks this book would be more appealing to boys than girls. Awards Winner: Caldecott Medal, Most Distinguished Picture book of the Year, 1964. Where The Wild Things Are Toys Extend the hours of enjoyment you child will have with this book by supporting it with dress up costumes and toys. If your child loves Max, there are Max plush toys, or if your child prefers the monsters, there are many of those as well. Having a Where The Wild Things Are…