Looking for fun new books to share with your child? Look no further!
Cover of a book with a drawing of an old fashioned camera with random bits and pieces around it
One Photo
Ages 6 to 8 / August 29, 2016

One Photo By Ross Watkins and Liz Anelli, Penguin Books Australia, 2016. “A poignant story about love, loss and legacy; one son, one family, one photo.” This is not your usual glossy covered picture book. It has a matte-finish cover and has a retro storybook feel. In the story we see Dad taking photos of the strangest things, using a newly purchased old-fashioned camera with old-fashioned film that he has to take to the old store in the city to be developed. But Dad doesn’t photograph his family, rather he photographs the everyday items that form his world. He photographs the things he didn’t want to forget. The son and the mother are upset that he doesn’t photograph them. They don’t understand. One Photo follows the journey of one family who is struggling to come to terms with the father’s Alzheimer’s disease. This is such a beautiful story. It is helpful for dealing with loss, and shows a loving, hopeful side. The illustrations are textured, colourful, and plentiful, and offer a visual feast for the inquisitive mind. Awards Shortlisted for The Picture Book of the Year 2017 by Children’s Book Council of Australia. One Photo Book Trailer 

Cover of a book with a furry horned creature stands holding his arm around his invisible brother
My Brother
Ages 6 to 8 / July 18, 2016

My Brother By Dee Huxley, Oliver Huxley and Tiffany Huxley, Working Title Press, 2016. ‘When a gentle creature sets out to search for a lost brother, we are taken on an ethereal journey across land and sea to strange, beautiful and faraway places.’ The black and white illustrations are reminiscent of the artist, Escher. They are soft and sensitive, and on the last page, we end with a full-colour illustration of the gentle creature and his brother in a boat together. My Brother is a sad story, but the subject is handled with such care and attempts to present a positive side to a devastating reality. Teacher notes are available. Awards Shortlisted for The Picture Book of the Year 2017 by Children’s Book Council of Australia.