Looking for fun new books to share with your child? Look no further!
Cover of a book showing an indigenous Australian baby and an Anglo Saxon baby with the ocean in the background
Australian Babies
Baby to 2 / September 1, 2005

Australian Babies By Magabala Books, 2005. ‘Rich with the colours of the Kimberley landscape in Western Australia, the vibrant photographic images reflect Australia’s multicultural community.’ Australian Babies is a lovely little board book for babies and toddlers. It has ten pages with photographs of babies from diverse backgrounds who make up some of the heritage of babies in Australia today. There are things to look for and point out on each page, such as a dog, chickens, books, trees, rocks, shells, etc. It is small in size, 143 x 156 mm. It was a little bit difficult to rank this book based on the criteria we use to measure, as there were no words and the book was so small. We hope you like this book 🙂

Cover of a book showing lots of show cats in boxes, and a dog peeking around the corner
Hairy Maclary’s Showbusiness
Ages 3 to 5 , Baby to 2 / October 1, 1991

Hairy Maclary’s Showbusiness By Lynley Dodd, Mallinson Rendel Publishers, 1991. ‘In Riverside Hall on Cabbage Tree Row, the Cat Club were having their Annual Show.’ Hairy Maclary wreaks havoc when he gatecrashes the local cat show, but who wins first prize? What are the categories for the prize-winning cats? Biggest family, worst temper, longest whiskers, snootiest, fattest and…SCRUFFIEST! Hairy Maclary has survived many adventures and is a really fun little character to follow around. He is still probably one of the most loved dogs in kids picture books today, along with Spot of course. This book is a board book for our youngest readers, but it is also available as a soft cover book. To find more crazy capers of Hairy Maclary, click here!